
Showing posts from August, 2017

dangerous volcano

Run for your life? Thinking in my head “ what are you talking about?” look up in the sky? The Stranger said. Watch out!!! Splat. my life ended so bad since the volcano erupted.  

cross country!!!

Hearing Micah thumping across the steel concrete. It feels like Micah is going to overlap me. Hearing spectators cheering. Coming past the last  cones like I came last place. watching the year six boy's Thinking in my head that tom will try his best to win.

the best day of my life. meting Des Hunt

It says here that Des hunt was born In Palmerston North. Also It says he was born Four days after Christmas. “ okay then everybody pack up now.” we're going to see Des hunt. what!!!!!!!  This going to be the best Day of my life.                                                           

Rugby movie making

Director - Sky Camera man -Andy Actors Crazy ref -Raven Chiefs cheerleader -Sarah/Riley    Cameron-Roman  Jonah lomu -Taine --------------------------------------------- Script The Teams chiefs & hurricanes Are lined up on the side of the Field . To go on the field. The car leads the two teams onto The field they line getting ready for the national anthem.

surfing on sand dunes

Sliding down sand Dunes as If i was pulled out to sea. Imagining if i could go so high up into the clouds.  Weee!! Ba! Boom ouch!! I Hit the ground so hard like a wrecking ball While I came down It felt like I was sinking.                                                                                                                                ...

pirate ship. sort of

Once upon a time. actually it’s upon  time.any ways there lived a lonely Shark named Joni.” Yummy. What The” Its fish + chips. Splash!! What was that for? It’s a pirate ship not a fish + chips Shop okay. One week later. “ Sam woke Up. what come with me” Wow not that. That Buddie Chomp? Aahh!! He ate my leg right off I’m pretty sure that’s not Jono. Well who is It I don’t know. Ten weeks later wait no never mind.

pobble writing

White blank canvas waiting for people to stare and get interested. But it never Happened ha ha what’s so funny you never got any visitor’s and I did.  

pop up libary

 There once was a naughty fairy who’s name was turituri. “I wanna catch a moke”. But moke fish only come on June.  One day turituri wanted to Sail and catch a moke Turituri But turituri didn’t have the equipment. she needed a   Fishing rod,fishing hook,bait.

haiku poem

Rugby Tackling like a Dog  scoring tries before the game starts Trying hard to win

reflection-term 2

I enjoyed challenging myself at The south east cluster And representing  Hamilton east school.

toungue twisters

Easy e eats eggs. (4) Taine takes Tim,Tommy,Silly to the toilet. (6) Snail slides slow (4) Yeezy yout yet (6)


          Instruction for pointillism           Pencil White Paper Cotton buds Primary color, secondary colors Paint brush Martial's --------------------------------------------- 1. Get a piece of paper 2. Get a pencil and draw the flowers 3. Paint over the flower you draw

Kauri Assembly

Sitting in the small quiet Hall.     Waiting For all classes to get their. We all started with a karakia then    Whaea Georgia put a moana song. Then all of the teachers got up and handed out four certificates To people that participated in different sports